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The Ukrainian-American Archives & Museum has a vast collection of books, newspapers, journals and articles about Ukrainian history and culture.  


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About the Library

At the start of our history, UAAM was mainly a reading room dedicated to the needs of the local Ukrainian émigré community as well as researchers.  Mr. Dacko, the first director, diligently subscribed to Ukrainian newspapers, journals, almanacs and magazines from across the globe.  This predated the internet and all the conveniences of conducting research online.  Currently, the Library has over 30,000 books of which about 3,000 have been inventoried and cataloged.


At the May 2022 donor appreciation event Because of You a Nation’s Voice is Heard, the library was named The Olga Meyer & Sutar-Sutaruk-Meyer Foundation Library in recognition of their outstanding generosity and devotion to the preservation of Ukraine’s cultural treasures.

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